Sunday, July 14, 2013

Groceries and Lunch? - Oxnard, CA

There is a very large group of my favorite food bloggers that do their lunching at Whole Foods Market. They hit the salad bar and know how to get the most bang for their buck. They know to not load up on salad dressings and other "heavy" foods as they price by the pound. Since I now live close to a Whole Market, I decided I could be one of those people!

They have an Airstream Bar inside of the store! How cool is that?! 

I settled in for my Root Beer, Salad and Soup. I am not going to lie it was pretty pricey. Twenty dollars for this masterpiece. My salad weighed over a pound and I did not even come close to finishing it. Salad bars and buffets make me always grab more than I need, I get too excited to try everything. The root beer was tasty, soup filling and salad a mix of all things.

Would I go to Whole Foods again for lunch? Of course, I just need to limit myself to small containers!

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