Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I made the Free Lance!

So I woke up this morning like it was any other Tuesday morning and I was greeted by my mom saying, "Your blog made the newspaper!" I was thinking, "Oh no... what for? Something bad?" Heck no, I read the cute little article, Keeping Connected. It is about blogging and how it is new way of communicating with family, friends and even strangers who become "blog friends". Thank you to the Free Lance for putting my name out there! I sure have a lot of fun blogging!


The Purple Carrot said...

Niiiice! Congrats, that's exciting! : )

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa! That is a cool accomplishment, I am proud of you!

healthy ashley said...

That is great that your blog is getting noticed even outside of other blogs! Congrats!

Unknown said...

that is so awesome! =) congratulations!

Heather said...

congrats :) very exciting!

Merrie said...

Very cool!