James and I had a glamorous lunch out today... Jack in the Box Drive-Thru. Lovely. I have been to the Jack in the Box many times but have never heard of Taco Nachos. So by gosh I ordered them.

They couldn't look any more god awful if they tried! Ha ha. What a calorie bomb this was. So basically they are the regular tacos from Jack in the Box, sliced into triangles placed on a bed of lettuce, with a lava of nacho cheese sauce swimming on top - with a delicate placing of a few jalapenos. So gourmet. I feel a tad ill after eating this. Have a great afternoon.
Barf in the Box
tell me you didn't actually eat that, did you? horrifying. i shudder just thinking about it...
I try almost every fast food promotion that comes out, and I can honestly say I have never had a more weird item than those. They didn't taste as vile as they look (that wouldn't be possible) but when I was done with them, there was this massive pool of cheese sauce and shredded lettuce left in the container. I have never seen anything more disgusting.
I wrote on my blog that this stuff looks like the slop they would serve in the mess hall of a maximum security prison on Leftovers Day.
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